You may have heard of everyone having a spirit animal that is with you through life. And while this may be true, there are also another category of spirit animals called Power Animals that are said to be with you through different periods of your life when you need them. Soon we will be going on a journey to find the Power Animals present in our life. And while this may be as simple as closing our eyes and letting spirit take over and give us a vision of these animals, most of us need a bit of guidance and assistance with having these visions come out through our third eye/ solar plexus. Factors such as stress can greatly impact our ability to connect. Traditionally Shamans will connect to their Power Animal by a ceremony or ritual where they physically exhibited their animal such as acting out the temperaments of these animals. A modern variation is guided through meditation, although traditional methods are still used by those who feel closer to these methods. Before diving into this journey, we should go over what a Power Animal is and how we know for certain that what we come across is our Power Animal.
A Power Animal is a type of spirit guide that takes the visual and even auditorial form of an animal when perceived through the third eye. Some Power Animals stay with us for life, while others are throughout different periods in life. For example, my life spirit animal is a Fox (more specifically an Arctic Fox). A fox is seen as cleaver, cunning, discrete in all things, dream work and shamanic work. I find it funny how the similarities between the symbology of the fox is so much related to my personal and spiritual life. I always seem to find solutions fast and without making a mess of a plan. Somehow and a lot of the time when I least expect it, I draw others in who need help on their spiritual journey. This is always a blessing for the soul, although sometimes I just want people to disappear for a bit so I can go back into my hide-hole of silence and solitude. Spiritually speaking one of my biggest drives is dream work. To me this can be interpreting dreams or having great and vivid visions and dreams. Both are true to myself. Lastly is the shamanic work. I feel that I had always been drawn to life-style, but until 4 years ago the label “Shaman” didn’t even accrue to me as something I could be or a life-style I could take up. To me, being a Shaman means to connect with the physical world and spirituality, as well as having a heart to help and heal others. This is something that definitely resonated with me so I learned more.
Recently I dug a little deeper to find my Power Animals at this time. And currently I still feel them here. For me, it wasn’t a scripted journey that I took, although I feel this could have also been helpful and restful for myself. Instead my answer was clear and quick. As I calmed my mind I simply asked to be shown my power animals. Without forcing anything I was first shown a Wolf. I was caught off guard by this as I had never been drawn to a wolf, and at times thought that it was so cliche. Second I was shown a Meerkat. At the time that I was shown this I hadn’t had a clue what the name was or where to even start with naming my new power animal. But the image was clear of a small and long body poking its head out of the bushes with a certain kind of round ears. After some research I had found it to be a Meerkat. After making these discoveries I researched what these animals represent and what they might be able to help me with in life. Not only this, but it gave me insight as to what is going on in my life to have these animals. The wolf means Balance (In which I always feel that I strive for), loyalty, independence (another solid personality of mine), a solo worker, but able to join others when needed, a teacher of rituals to establish order and harmony, guardian, guide to new paths and journeys. All of this resonates so deeply in me and especially in my current walk of life. The Meerkat symbolizes pack life and learning at higher depts. More so it means enjoying the funny things. All of which I feel so connected to on a daily basis.
So how did I know for sure that these were my current power animals?
When learning to accept true and internal knowledge, it is important that you are able to distinguish between messages coming in through the third eye and our ego, but also our imagination. It is wonderful to ask for a vision or wish for one, but it is also possible to force a vision of imagination. When your mind is not clear and is distracted, you may not be able to receive any clear messages. This can be helped by meditating and or through guided journeys. Once our minds are still, we can be sure that the message coming through is divinely guided. When a message is received it is as clear as day and will feel like it came out of nowhere. Not only this, but it can also be really surprising. Lastly we need trust that when this vivid message does come through, that it is the real deal, and not just our imagination. Trust me, with time you will be able to differentiate between the two.
The process we will take for this Journey is first by calming the mind and then by using visually stimulated guidance. Its as simple as listening to an audiobook and reflecting on what you heard. “Power animals are central to Native American spirituality. Some Native Americans believe that those may be reincarnated human souls, while others see them as animals whose traits can be tapped into to give you the strength, ability, mental acuity, and courage that you may need to cope with life. It is important to meet your particular power animal, as it came into this life with you at birth and it will be with you for life, which means that you can access it whenever you need its wisdom and help to guide you. You also have power animals that come and go as you need them over the course of your life. This meditation will introduce you to one or more of your power animals.
Allow yourself to relax. Feel your breathing slow down and become deeper and deeper as you feel more relaxed. Become aware of your heartbeat slowing down.
Relax your arms and legs and they fee heavier as the rest of your body follows. Enjoy the feeling of relaxation for a moment. Take yourself to your sacred place, the place in your mind that allows you to feel safe.
Now follow a path that leads you to a large cave. As you enter the cave, you look around and you see rugs and skins on the floor, carvings etched onto the walls. Everything is in neutral colors. There are makeshift shelves on the walls with various books, pots and many other items for you to look at. You notice that there are dried verbs and flowers hanging from the ceiling , and their musk and aromatic scents fill the cave. In the dim light, the oil burners send shadows around the walls.
You know that you are safe here.
Move to the opening of the cave. You can hear the sound of rushing water and sunlight spreading its warmth as you step outside.
You discover that you are on a ledge high above the sea. Waves are crashing on the rocks below and throwing sprays of water high into the air, coating the ledge with droplets. As you examine the led, you see that there is a path curving download through the rocks.
Follow this path downward. The crashing waves hit the rock wall, and you can feel the vibrations and power of it through your feet as you descend onto the shore.
The waves break against the cliff, then retreat once again. The rhythm is steady and relaxing. The fine, misty sea spray is cool against your skin.
There is a path leading away from the beach. Follow it.
Now find yourself among the oak trees and surrounded by flowers and wild herbs. These from a blanket of color beneath the gently nodding branches.
As you walk through the trees, the sound of waves starts to diminish. Soon the sea sound is barely a murmur in the background. All you can hear are birds and crickets and other wonderful creatures around you.
Herbs and grasses scrunch against your feet, wafting up their aromatic scents.
Soon the path you are on opens up and joins a larger path. Stop here and leave a little sign so that you can find your way back later- perhaps a few stones on the side of the path as a marker.
Follow the new path until you come to a clearing. In the center stands a huge old oak tree. It towers over the other trees, and its massive roots spread out across the floor. It is the oldest and biggest tree- the world tree.
As you get closer, you see a figure. Dressed in green and brown, he almost blends into his surroundings as he sits on an enormous lower branch of the huge tree. You hear sounds of music, like that of a flute, and you realize that it is he who is playing.
As you approach, the figure puts the instrument down.
You see that what you thought were merely shadows above his head are horns, and you suddenly notice that his legs are that of a goat. His eyes are old and mischievous and he regards you with a blank expression, waiting.
You realize this is Pan, the god of the wild, keeper and protector of the animals and you need to ask permission to meet your power animal. He just sits and watches you with a twinkle in his eye, as he sees you have recognized him. Now ask him in your own words to allow you to meet your power animal.
He gleams and you and you are overfilled with joy as you look and
From behind him, there appears a shadow and from that shadow appears an animal
What do you see?