A 3 day event reoccurring around August every year. This year marked our 2nd Annual event with a theme centered on Shamanism and practices anyone can connect to. Our Activities included Alter offerings, Smoke House Invocation, Intro to Shamanism, Welcoming our Power Animals, Drumming Journey and swimming. You can find links to our videos and documents for each activity below the gallery.
Intro to Shamanism Video: https://fb.watch/nvTtyRNPqC/?mibextid=KtfwRi
Drumming Journey Video: https://fb.watch/nvTuedBVvy/?mibextid=KtfwRi
Intro to Shamanism Article: https://spiritualliberty.wixsite.com/omnistministryinc/post/an-intro-to-shamanism
Welcoming Our Power Animals Article: https://spiritualliberty.wixsite.com/omnistministryinc/post/welcoming-our-power-animals
Drumming Journey Article: https://spiritualliberty.wixsite.com/omnistministryinc/post/welcoming-our-power-animals