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Writer's pictureMaria Morris

An Introduction into Mysticism

What is a Mystic and who Can be a Mystic?

Before discovering who can be a mystic, it is important to define what a mystic is. As defined by Oxford, a mystic is “a person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect.” The last portion of this definition can be used for a wide range of people who identify as a mystic. A mystic can also be seen as a person who studies or practices mysticism. (Mysticism is popularly known as any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness which is given a religious or spiritual meaning, but may refer to becoming one with God or the Absolute.)

Mystics, regardless of religion or spiritual beliefs share the common goal of searching beyond the physical and rational, and into a deeper realm of existence. The shear acceptance of there being something beyond the physical realm of existence as we see it leads many into the life, beliefs or practices of the mystic. Due to this, anyone that has some form of acceptance of this concept can be a mystic. There are no requirements or rules to being a mystic, but there are some guidelines and practices that helps some mystics in their own way. If you are interested in putting the acknowledgement of spiritual concepts to practice or have/want to have abilities to sense beyond the physical, then mysticism might be for you.

The practices that are laid out in this course are to help the practitioner discover or enhance their mystic ability, as well as gain awareness of how they connect to others with the same or similar abilities.

The Uniqueness of the Mystic Just as every living person and being is different, so are the abilities of one mystic to another. Not one mystic is the same as another. There are many mystics that identify with another mystic in some of the abilities they share. This can be anywhere from being a medium, empath, shaman, or wiccan. And although it is a common belief that we are one with the universe, we are also however a part of the natural physical realm. Due to the nature of this and the impact of being human, we are captivated by conditionings of the world that affect every aspect of our life. Conditionings can be anywhere from the place we were born in and health conditions, to harsher social aspects such as abuse. These conditionings affect the way that we connect with ourselves, those around us and of course our higher self/higher power. There may also be conditionings of the soul, such as the impacts of karma seen in this life or a past life. (Not all Mystics believe in karma or reincarnation). Here are some mystical abilities/ identifications that are commonly shared between mystics:

  • Empath

    • Someone with the ability to sense the energy or emotions of those around them as well as other living beings. (may also include objects)

  • Medium/Seer/Channeling

    • Someone that can see/ sense beyond the living or physical realm.

  • Witch/Wiccan

    • Someone that uses tools and/or energies to connect with the universe, gods or deities.

  • Mystic Readers

    • Someone that uses tools such as tarot cards, oracle cards and runes to connect to a higher consciousness or power as a form of communicating to themselves or other mystical insight.

  • Dream Walkers

    • Someone that can lucid dream or astral travel in a deeper state of consciousness or dreaming.

  • Shaman/ Rekei/ Energy Healers

    • Someone that uses the energy within them or from another source to gain information and send this energy to others. Commonly used for healing

  • Prophet/ Oracle

    • Someone that has the ability to access information in foretelling possibly future events. (can include past and present events as well)

  • Clairvoyance (and others)

    • Those that can see beyond the vail of the physical realm and can gain information in this way.

    • Others include different types of sensing.

These as well as others will be further defined and explained later. Personal Mysticism It is important that when someone starts on the mystic path that they keep in mind how fluid and personal these abilities can be. Some mystics are born with these abilities, while others grow into them. There are also abilities that some are born with and loose by simply aging. A good example would be the phenomena exhibited by a growing number of children that remember their past lives. Often these children are around the ages of 3-5 years old. These gifted kids often explain very specific information about their last past life to their parents, however often forgot they even said anything once they get older. Watch this video about children that remember their past life to gain a better understanding. The question as to why children forget can be seen as more of a metaphysical question. Some that believe in reincarnation may also have the belief that forgetting is a healthy process of reincarnation. Although our soul has the innate ability to remember all that occurs in each life, our life here on earth is limited by our physical body. It is well known that in just one day we could forget exactly what we did the day before. A possible scientific explanation would be the affect of the chemical/hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin is a chemical associated with both amnesia and pregnancy. It is also known as the love hormone. Our body naturally produces this when we are romantically excited, having a baby or naturally feeding a baby. This chemical is shared between mother and child and can affect memory encoding. On a psychological level it is possible that we may forget our last life due to the body's natural response to trauma. The Buddha taught that to live is to suffer. There is no escape to the suffering that we receive in life as it is a natural process. Even if someone was to live a wonderful life with no pain or hurt, they still die at the end. Death is a trauma that not only affects the physical body and brain, but the soul as well. For those that believe in reincarnation, there might also be a belief in the healing process between one life to another. If this is not complete or the soul is not ready to forget, then this trauma can stick with them more heavily. Children that speak of their past life often mention some of the most tragic occurrences. Many children begin a constant loop of repeating their death scene. Having these experiences as a child is just one of the ways that we can be gifted with abilities. Other mystics are born with natural abilities that started as soon as they could speak or at a young age. We can use Molly M. as an example. Molly has the ability to reach into others past lives and experience them as if she was really there. This can be a painful or wonderful experience to her. She remembers starting to have these abilities around the age of 3 or 4. She remembers telling her parents that she chose them and described heaven. She also mentioned a little girl whose mother killed her with a coat hanger while she was still in her stomach. Her parent's where pretty shocked by the experience. Her mother accepted it right away, however her dad acted like it didn't happen (This often happens as children can be seen with a wild imagination). Even before Molly was born, there was some interesting happenings in her mothers life. Prior to being pregnant the supernatural was never really an interest for her mother, but as soon as she did get pregnant with Molly she was obsessed. She would read books, watch shows and really anything she could get her hands on. Molly remembers having awful, very vivid dreams as a kid. Her parents told her when she was older; as she asked what was wrong with her, that when she was a baby and a small child she would stare at the ceiling or blank walls and would either laugh and smile or jump and start crying; or babble at something. Molly was confused as a child and through out her life as to what was going on. Conditionings in life led her away from the idea of being psychic (due to the misconceptions that they were people that only used crystal balls or read your palm). It wasn't until she was in her mid 20s that she had discovered that she was one. This is one persons story of how they found their abilities. Molly's story on her experiences of being a mystic are different from other mystics with some of the same abilities. Mollie grew up conditioned to believe that psychics were people that only used crystal balls or read your palm. Molly's experiences also started at a young age and involved a unique pregnancy. Some however, are not born with or had these experiences when they were young. Some develop them later in life or grow into them. Not everyone can tap into a source of information immediately. Many mystics need to hone their abilities or learn how to use them. This is completely normal and natural as our soul inhabits our physical body. We will soon be talking about how we can identify potential abilities we might have as a mystic. From the first module of the Upcoming Course; The Mystical Practitioner. Arriving on the Omnist Ministry Education Center through Uteach Early Summer 2023.

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