Q & A
Scroll down for frequent questions asked about the Library Lending service.
Q & A
What is the difference between a regular and premium plan?
When selecting which plan you would like you have the options Basic, Assist and Sponsorship. You also have an option for premium for these. What is the difference?
Shipping is between 7-14 days
Catalog that you are allowed to select from does not include items such as Crystals and totems. This is due to restrictions for this type of shipping. Does include Tarot/ Oracle Cards.
Drop off includes extra steps such as going into a post office, completing questionnaire and uploading the receipt to our email.
Adds $5 to original base price
Shipping is between 3-7 days
Catalog that you are allowed to select from includes extra items such as Crystals and Totems. Also Includes Tarot/ Oracle Cards.
Drop off's can be done anywhere that there is a USPS drop off box and does not require you to complete a questionnaire or upload a receipt.
What does dropping off look like for non-premium plans?
When your items are shipped off to your, you will receive the following instructions:
Drop off Instructions:
Take the sealed package to your closest USPS department.
Let the teller know that this is media mail and contains books.
Ensure that they see the pre-paid postage on the package.
Ask for tracking
If they have any questions please let them know that this was prepaid in Maryville MO post office.
You DO NOT pay any postage as this was already paid for
Once you receive your receipt, take a picture of the receipt or scan it to our email. You may reply to the email sent out or create a new email. If you choose to create a new email to this email address please state your name so that we can have record and confirmation of drop off.
Once the tracking number shows progress or items are delivered (whichever comes first), you will be able to check out more books.
Why are there change amounts when subscribing such as 11.11 or 25.25
When testing this service out and in the effort to make this service as affordable as possible, we increased our initial estimated price of $10/ month to $11.11/ month. As we had found out from testing the Basic plan of shipping, when there is a heavier set of books, the shipping came out to be $13.84. When adding this to the cost of the bubble wrap envelope we were negative $6.84. Due to this reason, we did increase our subscription price by $0.15-$1.15.
All change added is an effort for our members to be able to recognize their monthly purchase each month by having a repeating number taken out.
What if I can no longer afford my subscription or need to change the type of subscription?
We understand that life is not a straight and narrow path and we might not always be able to afford things as we use to. That is why we have a sponsorship though the church. Members of the Library can select the option to sponser another member that cannot afford their membership by either paying the Full or Partal price. You may apply to be sponcered below. If we do not have a sponcer for you, we will will infrom you that you are on the waiting list. If you wish to cancel/hold or change your subscription you may email mariamorris@omnistministry.org or call 660-270-4321 to discuss your options.